

we were watching Spainglish, and there are parts in Spanish with no translations. so one of my friends goes, hey does anyone understand this? and my other friends were like no and one even said, I'm taking lessons next year. and I look over like, does nobody even know a little bit? so i had to trandlate. so that made me realize that my friends are really white.. like I don't know enough Spanish to converse or even listen. but I catch snippets I know and words that sound similar to English. It's not hard. but all my friends are REALLY white. like the one who came closest to knowing by saying she'll take lessons later, she doesn't like tacos. and doesn't eat meat unless it's chicken nuggets or hot dogs. and all my friends are like, we all agree that the white mom in the movie is bitchy as fuck and way outta line, but my friends are like omg the Spanish mom is kinda mean too! and I'm like, hold up, she's like really nice. she let her daughter miss the family gathering of her grandma immigrating, so she could sleep over at white mom's. she moved her daughter across the country for the white lady. she moved her daughter's school for white lady, and you're saying she's mean? she's really nice.