my birth story :)

Marina • 27, Mom to a little boy 7/13/18. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage 5/8/17

I was scheduled for an induction on 7/12 at 8am I was 40+1. My SO and I got everything packed and was ready to leave at 6am. Our hospital is 45 mins away. We made a few pit stops on the way there and made it to the hospital around 7:30am. I got checked into the room and the doctor didn't start the cervadil until around 10:15. I was only able to have the cervadil in for 3 hours instead of 12 because I was contracting back to back non stop, so they had to take it out and after they took it out I asked for an epidural because I was in so much pain without relief. After the epidural they checked me and saw I

was a 10 so they broke my water and had me do practice pushes. later found out I went back to an 8 and I wasn't progressing because his head stuck above my pubic bone. I labored until around 3 am with pitocin to see if that would help on seeing if he could descend. turns out his head was still not moving from that position so I got prepped for a c section and he was born at 4:31am on 7/13. They were so surprised on how big of a head he had and his big hands. they were like "yep there was no way you were having him vaginally" Sebastian weighed 9lbs 9 oz 20in long