Vaginal dryness


Hey ladies! I was hoping someone else has had this issue and had advice.. I’ve gone to my gyn but all she said was use lube to fix vaginal dryness. I think it started pretty randomly, but I do know it was about the same time that I started having mood swings etc really bad when PMS-ing the week before my period. At the time I was on birth control called Tri-Estarylla. I stopped it over 3 months ago and the mood swings are gone but the dryness remains! Sometimes it gets so bad I’m uncomfortable even when I’m not in bed with my boyfriend. And when I am, I could be EXTREMELY turned on but still very dry. I’m 33 so I don’t know if that’s too early for menopause symptoms but.. it’s the only other thing I’ve heard of. Any ideas what else could be a cause?