PPD or maybe a mix...?

My LO was born on July 8th. At the hospital everything was okay for me emotionally. When I got home (we had moved in with my parents) the following happened:

I was not producing enough, so we switched to exclusive formula. Felt like a failure.

We were basically kicked out of the house because it was a toxic environment after my step father fought with me in the nursery. It made my mom cry. That killed me. Felt like a major failure.

Moved in to my MIL house, which I never wanted to have to do because it’s crowded. Felt like a complete failure.

I can barely eat. I have no motivation to do anything but take care of my LO when she needs me, including just sitting there and holding her. I cry every day. This wasn’t how this was supposed to be...

Am I feeling PPD or is the situation just overwhelming? Maybe a mix? Just emotional?