Please help me 😭

I need advice and please no hate 😩

I’m 16, I’ve been talking to a boy for 6 months, and we’ve met loads of times, and he asked me out a couple days ago and I said idk i have to think about it.

This might be hard to understand, but whenever he wants to meet I always get this really horrible nervous feeling and I just wanna cry and cancel and idk why, everyone’s telling me to just date him because he’s so nice and respectful and really likes me, but there’s something I’m unsure about which stopped me saying yes, but idk what it is 😭

I feel so horrible and my friends say I’m leading him on but I’m just so confused by my feelings 😢, we’re meeting in 5 days to give my final answer and I still don’t know 🤦🏻‍♀️, some times I think I should date him and some times I don’t, the fact that I’m u sure is worrying me even more!

Please like comfort me or give advice please I have nobody to talk to about this 🙁

**UPDATE** lol nvm we’re dating noww and I’m so happyy 🤷🏻‍♀️😂