What do you think?


When I was started my period I was 14. It came normal the first few months but hen I fell into a long long term depression and began eating like crap and gaining weight and doing nothing all the time. My period became coming less and less and I started skipping periods for up to 4 months. I have always had a unibrow and male pattern hair. But not a crazy amount. I am ethnic so I guess it’s normal? My hormone doctor diagnosed me with pcos without an ultrasound to check. He put me on birth control and I made it my mission to eat healthy and lose the weight. I went from 5’1 and 139 pounds to 100 pounds. I had acne before I lost the weight but now my skin is mostly always clear unless I get my period. And speaking of periods. I went off of birth control for like 6 months because I was curious as to what would happen. I had been on it for 4 years. And I had normal periods for 6 months off of it and ovulated regularly confirmed by bbt. I got an ultrasound that showed a normal uterus Nd ovaries with no signs of cysts and maturing follicles. My recent hormone check was normal as well. I went back on birth control for well... birth control lol. But I have recently gotten off of it again to ttc. And things are going normally. Just ovulated yesterday. So do you think my hormones went wacky because of sudden weight gain and awful eating habits? And I was misdiagnosed with pcos? Or do you believe I actually have it? Jus wanting opinions of people who are experienced with things like this or who went through something similar. I personally believe I do not have it.

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