PCOS: 7 Weeks Pregnant! This is really happening! ❤️


Still in complete shock that I am pregnant with my first child. Hubby and I decided to stop trying back in February and give it a rest. I stopped my PCOS meds (metformin) and we went on about life. Early June, I got tender breasts and super emotional and assumed it was just PMS, but took a test, just to be sure, and got a positive!

I have been so emotional about this since I found out ( mixture of pregnancy hormones and extreme happiness.) More than I want anything in life, I want to be a mother. Hubby cried when I revealed to him:

We had our first ultrasound at week 4 because I’m high risk. We only seen a sac, which worried me, but the doctor assured me it was just too early. We had our second ultrasound at week 6 and 3days and got to see our baby’s heartbeat! (121 bpm)

Our little peanut is strong and we are absolutely ecstatic! I CAN’T WAIT TO BE A MOMMY to our beautiful little cocoa baby!! ❤️