So hopeless! :(


Hi ladies I’m so confused right now and sad! Basically I had a miscarriage on the 17th of June. I was 5 weeks pregnant and my HCG was only 11 :( needless to say I bled heavily and when it subsided we both agreed to just see what happens.

Fast forward four weeks and I’m getting strong positive tests! I decide to visit the doctor and she said her test was negative but then left it another minute and there was a faint line! She basically told me nothing said that I might not have lost the first baby asking me why do you think you had a miscarriage and that it could be another pregnancy but that you do have left over hormones after a miscarriage!! :(

How can I have something left over from 11?! Four weeks later! Are her tests not as sensitive?

She gave me the number for the EPU and said I need to ring and ask for an early scan normally she would do it but it’s not a good day for her. I ring and they say she should have referred me. They did offer me a blood test today and one 48 hours from now.

Please pray for me. I just want to know what is going on here. It’s so sad when the doctors are useless