Clomid+Metformin month 2


So the first part of June I went to see my doctor because I had been bleeding for two weeks straight, not light, but not heavy either. This didn't concern her and it continued for another week and a half. But she noticed that I had said we were TTC so she suggested Clomid and metformin (I have pcos). She said nothing would happen the first month and that if I didn't get my period 40 days after that one ended to take these other pills that were supposed to start it. Low and behold I got my period 5 days ago. I'm taking my Clomid days 3-7. What kind of opk should I buy and when should I start testing? and what about BD should I start doing it as often as possible once the period ends?

please help. been trying for 2 years and am so ready to be a mom