July 23rd changed to July 17th



They were prepping me for surgery and baby girl FLIPPED! She's no longer breech so they're gonna induce me.

39 weeks today!💕

Went to the dr and mentioned how baby wasn't moving as much the past couple of days. After checking me I was still 3 cm from the 10th and I measured small but baby was measuring good. So they did a non stress test and it came back great. We went to ultrasound since I hadn't had one since June 11th and she was 5lbs and head down then. Turns out she's flipped and breech. With me being so small and her weight at 8lbs, the Dr doesn't think flipping her would be worth the risk to baby and it not working. 😭 So we have a c-section planned for 11am tomorrow.

Wish us luck! 💕