first time IVF


Hey everyone! 

First quick backstory. Me and my husband have been trying for 2 years and finally went to a specialist and found out that both of my tubes are pinched in the middle and wint let anything through. I have PCOS but my dr said it looks like I have a ton of eggs and would be a great candidate for <a href="">IVF</a>. My husbands analysis was normal. 

I start next cycle (so beginning of August) my family and friends think that we arent starting until the fall so that we can still surprise them! So I have noone to talk to about it lol. 

We are doing a frozen transfer. So I will start birth control next month and then all the meds and injections for retrieval. I will have my retrieval and hopefully have lots of good embryos to freeze. Then I will get ready for the transfer on my next cycle. We do have a short trip in Sept so dr said if it conflicts with anything we will just wait until Oct. I'm super excited but also super nervous. 

Any advice or tips for a FET?? Thank u!