Just found out my little girl has Atrioventricular Septal Defect..

Ashley • 27.virgo; introvert 😶 married since 7.15.17 ___together since 7.15.11 --ftm;it's a girl!🤰🤗😍**09/28/18! ••••Gracelynn Eloise;my heart baby. ❤️ animal_lover ⛱️🌊☀️

I never expected to hear my little one suffers from a congenital heart defect. It just never crossed my mind that it could happen. At 12 weeks I did the genetic testing and found out she could possibly have down syndrome and that she was a girl! We only did it so we can find out the gender. The results would never change anything for me or my husband. After getting the results of the possibility of her having down syndrome my obgyn really pushed setting up a level 2 ultrasound to screen for other signs and an amniocentesis. On July 13th(27w 5d) we finally got around to that ultrasound. I never really worried about down syndrome because I don't see it as a problem or something that could change how much I love her. we were told there were options for adoption but didn't want to hear anymore. She's our little girl and we love her whether shes diagnosed with or without it. What I wasn't expecting was to be told she has a congenital heart defect called Atrioventricular Septal Defect. When the doctor began to explain what exactly that meant my world just fell apart. I could hear what she was saying but it wasn't really sticking. All I kept hearing was my little girl's poor heart wasn't normal. I was scared and still am of not knowing what the future will bring for us. And I hate that I dont know how to make myself feel better about this. All I can hope is that she has the surgery when the time comes and maybe life will be a little less scary, but right now all I feel is fear. of course I still feel so much love for her, but I've never been so scared in my life.