May baby won’t be the baby for long


My husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago! At dinner, we finally decided to have baby number 3! We already have a 7 year old daughter and a 14 month old son. We agreed to start trying after our baby boy’s 2nd birthday!

Little did we know, I was already freaking pregnant!!! I’d only had one period since I stopped nursing my boy. The first time we had sex, afterward, I told my husband Ya know, we are gonna have to start using condoms or something. He said Why? 😂 It’d been so long since we had to worry about it that he totally forgot. Every time after that we used a condom. I realized on my drive home that it’s been like 31 days since my LMP so I stopped and bought a test. Still in disbelief. So far I have only told my son because I know he can keep a secret. My husband gets home late tonight and I have to figure out how to tell him. I’m about to have 2 under 2. Y’all pray for me!!!