Send or not? *long post*

Not the standard naughty picture "send or no?" post you were probably expecting.                                                               So here's a little background. I have been with my SO for almost two years. We're expecting our first little girl together in September. He has two girls that live with us, 5 and 3, that I absolutely adore. We fell for each other pretty quickly, and got serious just as fast. For the most part, our relationship is good. He's a good father and we get along very well the majority of the time.

But... and its a big but, about 6 months in, his temper began flaring up. He first put his hands on me in the middle of the night because he wanted the fan off and I refused. Mind you, it was the middle of summer and I was pregnant. (I ended up losing said pregnancy less than a month after) He grabbed my leg so hard that his fingers left bruises that didn't fade for two weeks. He has shoved me into shelves so hard I fall on the floor, pushed me out of the way, said horrible things to me, and threatened to kick me out of the house. He refuses to admit that it is his temper that's the issue, and always asserts that I was "asking for it" in some way. He very rarely apologises, just refuses to talk about it until I give up and move on. The most I can get out of him is an agreement that these behaviors need to stop. Once he's calmed down he always says he doesn't want me to leave and that he loves me.  He talks about getting married all the time. 

Then, yesterday, we were getting ready to go to work at the same time so I hopped in the shower with him, which is pretty standard for us. For whatever reason that irritated him. After we got out, I left him alone. I was putting on my bra and he wanted to get in his drawer so I told him it would just be a minute. He shoves me out of the way and tells me to

"Stop being a little cunt". He walks past and I playfully slap him on the butt, trying to relieve some of this ridiculous tension. He turns around and smacks me so hard on the hip that I had welts in the shape of his hand. He leaves for work without saying goodbye. We don't talk for the rest of the day and I go to sleep without him.

We have barely spoken today either. I wrote him a text, but haven't sent it to him yet. I honestly don't think he'll care. I'm just so hurt, and don't know what to do. All of my family is on the other side of the country so he's really all I have. I adore this man and I just don't know why he's okay with treating me (us) this way. So here it is....

To send or not to send?