Someone please hear me out & help me!!


Warning this is fairly long but i need help:

So there’s this guy i work with and we got a connection and started hanging out & foolin’ around. Well one drunk night he came over (i was drunk as well) & he ended up passing out and staying the night. Well throughout the night (April 12th) things got serious until the next morning, we didn’t use protection or anything and the next morning he bought me plan b. So i took it because why not I didn’t want a kid yet so i figured if I took it I’d be in the clear. Now mean while i haven’t had my period in about 2’months, which is normal in my book since I’m irregular. Well April comes to and end and the 27th I got my period until May 4th. Well i had fooled around with the same guy a day before on the 3rd (this time we used protection) before he went to ranger school (army) & before I took my vacation to Florida the same exact day. While being on my trip everything was a blur I had so much fun and did so much my timeline is out of wack. But I stayed from the 3rd until the 10th. I went with a friend and we got drunk for her birthday on the 4th. At the club there were these guys that were attracted to us. My friend was interested in the other guy and i wasn’t interested in his friend at all. They ended up getting a hotel and I had to be the tag along because I was way too drunk to have a say so in anything. Out of that whole night I remember being in the hotel bathroom because I didn’t want to third wheel & didn’t want to be around that guy. I was too drunk to function so I figured I’d shower and get my wits about me. I got naked and stepped in, I eventually fell asleep in the tub leaning against the wall with the water still running on me. The next thing I remember is waking up to someone trying to grab me out the shower but also being really uncomfortably touchy in all the wrong places. For a minute I thought it was my friend, then it hit me that it wasn’t. It was the guys friend from the club earlier that night. I tried to stop him from touching me and that I didn’t need or want his help I wanted to stay in the tub. But being so black out drunk in the moment I probably wasn’t able to stick up for myself like i really wanted to. Well anyways, time passes & the next morning when we leave I tell my friend and we talk. We come back home and I find out I’m pregnant after taking test, then had my first ultra sound June 25th. Learned I was 6-8weeks (2months) & my EDD: is Jan 30th I thought for sure it was the guy I was messing with but when the nurse had told me I would’ve conceived on May 9th I instantly got chills down my spin. When he seen the look on my face I told him that there might not be a chance it’s his and told him what happened on my vacation. He looked disappointed and didn’t seem to believe me. Now I’m stuck with the idea in my head “what if that guy did more than what i thought and i wasn’t aware of it?”, “wouldn’t i have felt it or something going on?”, “how could i be so careless & stupid around strangers?”. I’m not only scared of the fact it might be a total strangers baby but more of how to explain this to my family, or my child when he/she’s older?? Idk what to do and I’m scared beyond words can explain. I need anyone’s help, what would you do if you were in my shoes???