Type of Twins!?!?!

Ashley • 29, ftm to twins due December 2018 🤰🏼👯‍♀️🎀🎀

Hey all!

I’m going to try to keep this short, it’s actually a little exhausting to type out all the details of my specific situation. Let me just say, I’m not overly pleased with my doctors at the moment and am also very confused. Hopefully some of you lovely ladies can give me a little insight.

I will be 20 weeks with my babies on Sunday. I have had three ultrasounds so far, starting at 9 weeks 5 days, which is when we found out they are twins. The zygosity question has never thoroughly been answered. The docs and midwives can clearly see two amniotic sacs (as can I) but at my last visit when I asked again for clarification they only said it “looks like they might have their own placentas but can’t tell for sure.” I have my anatomy scan next week so will hopefully have a better answer then, but I am wondering if any of you have opinions on this? I am attaching my first ultrasound which was done at 9+5. I don’t have any good print outs showing them both from my two most recent visits.

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Just to clarify: I don’t care so much about identical vs. fraternal, I know how that works. I’m mostly trying to determine if they are di/di or mo/di.


Saw my doc yesterday and he was great, sort of renewed my faith! Lol! He is still unsure whether babies are mo/di or di/di but they are finally referring me to a MFM to get some solid answers. I appreciate everyone’s input very much!