He stole my heart so im taking his last name!!!!

Olga • 👫💑 💒 🤴💍👰 ❤

Im so happy ladies!!! i would love to share how the proposal happened...

Since we have no video of the moment i will post pictures leading up.

just a heads up, before he asked my parents he had asked me how i felt about spending the rest of my life with him and of course i told him i would love too. (before the official proposal)

Earlier in the week he came over to speak with the family and asked for their blessing to marry me, once he had their blessing i knew the moment was coming but i had no idea when.

I planned a short weekend getaway for his birthday in tahoe but on our way up i ended up getting altitude sickness so i spent all of saturday sick in bed, ordering room service, at that point i felt

i had messed up the weekend and didnt think it was turning around.

On sunday we headed to the beach, but little did we know every single beach was full, then out in the middle of no where there was a group of girls hiking, so i pulled over and asked if they knew of any beaches nearby, they said they were hiking to a hidden beach so we took a chance and followed.

The spot was amazing!!!!!! We had it all to ourselves!

After we ate our snacks I started exploring in the water, when all of a sudden he asked me to sit on a rock for a picture, he then started walking into the water which was unexpected as he doesn't usually swim, he took the picture and handed me the phone.

He said he wanted to take a dip in the water to cool off, the water was maybe 2 feet deep where we were, i was still sitting on that rock when he went in and when he came back up he was on one knee with the ring in his hand asking me to marry him.

I know this description doesnt do it justice but it was incredible!!!!!

Now that i look back at the pictures you can see him pulling out the ring but i was so caught up in the beauty of it that it never crossed my mind. I hope you all enjoy i placed them in the order it happened.

views from our room

this was the rock he asked me to pose on right before he asked

when he was coming up on his knee

after crying of happiness❤❤❤