After a storm there is always a 🌈


In May 2016 me and my partner found out we were expecting our first child, we were over the moon but also filled with worry as it was our first and we didn’t know what to expect!

Everything seemed to be going fine, however my midwife appointments were late which was the fault of my doctor as she never referred me. Between getting my first midwife appointment and dating scan I had some bleeding at around 12 weeks. Had an emergency scan and was told everything was fine and the baby’s heartbeat was there. Over the moon me and my partner started buying little bits and getting our baby box together.

2 weeks later I finally get my midwife appointment and scan date. Go for my scan and the lady is scanning me uming and arring she says to me “I just need a second opinion” she leaves the room and another lady follows back in with her they mumble to each other and the other one leaves. Worried I say “what is wrong with my baby!” She said “there is more fluid behind babies neck then we would like I will get a doctor to come scan you”. Doctor comes and scans me and says “the prognosis of your pregnancy is not good you can either terminate or go get tests done in Leeds”. We opted to do the tests. The outcome from them tests were that we were having a little girl but unfortunately she had a chromosome abnormality called Turner syndrome along with other serious issues. Me and my partner had to make the heart wrenching decision to medically terminate, I gave birth to her on the 14th August 2016 and we named her Eleanor.

It has took me and my partner two years to finally feel mentally clear to try again, and today I got the biggest shock, a positive pregnancy test! I’m feeling so many emotions right now but I have everything crossed that everything will go smoothly!
