Does anyone think the school system is weird?


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I feel like our current school system is strange. It's strange to me that we leave our children at really young ages in the care of a stranger who might have totally different views and morals than us for several hours each day. If you actually add it up most kids spend more time with their teacher's/at school than with their own family/at home. Now I understand a lot of this has to do with the fact that people have to work to pay their bills and don't have another option which is understandable, but I just wondered others opinions on this. I also find the way our school system teaches material is strange, for instance standardized testing has been proven to not work as well as other methods and causes young children stress and other problems which therefore makes test scores inaccurate due to children not performing as well when they are stressed but yet the school boards continue to teach this way. Any thoughts?

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