💦Low amniotic fluid💦

Amanda • 🌈8-25-18 Jamison 🤱🏻, 8 Angels👼🏼, 🌈👩🏼9-24-10, & 🌈👧🏼 4-24-15

Hi ladies,

Anyone have low fluid??

I’ve been high risk from the beginning as I am with all my pregnancies. I am a Mommy of 2 beautiful rainbow babies both girls, and a Mommy of 8 angels... this pregnancy is my last and is my boy. I am 33 weeks. I am a bit over weight with chronic hypertension, PCOS and history of pre-eclampsia.

Everything has seemed to be ok with being monitored regularly and BP being controlled by Labatelol. I went to my NST and BPP ultrasound and we almost didn’t pass. The fluid level went from 13.66cm to 7.74cm in 4 weeks. My Dr says she doesn’t like anything under 8cm. The last pocket was almost not found. 👎🏼

Today I have another ultrasound to check the fluid and his size because my Dr feels she might have to take baby at 34 weeks if the fluid stays low. I drink a lot of fluids so I know that can effect this. She believes that it’s from the preeclampsia and hypertension. I am just super nervous. I am already scheduled to be induce at 38 weeks.