Super realistic dream


I sent this to my boyfriend so that’s why it says we in some parts:

I had the weirdest dream... it started with us going to el salvador and it was great there we had q good time.. and then there was some airport fiasco but I don’t really remember it. We had been there long enough that a lot had happened in the states. There was a super super common disease that was easy to catch, and it had 8 different strains. Each one did a variant of the same thing, with the effects being similar to ebola. Each strain could affect someone different and had a different way that you caught it. There were also issues with the weather. Every so often an electrical storm would occur and send arcs of electricity between power lines. Anyone standing underneath these would also have electric current run through them like being electrocuted. The most common electrical storms sent different colors of bolts through the lines. There were 8 different colors and they always flashed in the same order, each one more intense than the last. Dangerous predatory creatures also made their homes in the woods in america and nobody knew how to kill them yet. Because of all these problems, America mostly stopped working and most businesses shut down. It was almost an anarchy.also as soon as we got back to America I had two little babies? One was like a year old and the other was a couple months maybe. Anyway so I had to go find a dress for something, and I went with a couple other people to find it at a department store that was still open. While I was there I had to feed and burp my babies so whatever I did that. We got to my house, and decided to go see a movie. I called a babysitter because I wouldn’t be able to take care of the babies in the theater. We went and came back. We found the babysitter gone and both the babies dead. They had somehow gotten a strain of the disease called the Frost. It made it look like they had patches of ice crystals across their eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth. But I had a very bad time handling that not only cuz my babies were gone but because I now was very very likely to get the disease too. (The disease is deadly btw there’s no cure yet). So yeah I was depressed for a while and at one point was laying in bed depressed and my dad cane to talk to me... and then an electric storm happened and that was the first time I ever saw one. Then salesman came to our door and tried to sell us something (idk what it was) but his name was Mr. Parker. He walked away. I decided I wanted what he was selling so I followed him down the street. We ended up in this field underneath some high up overhead powerlines (there were lots of them). I went to talk to him then another storm started. We started running around while the shock went through our bodies and it was super super painful.. i yelled to him to not get near me bc we would create a circuit and make it worse. Yet he wasn’t paying attention. Right as the last shock flashed, he ran straight into me and you could see the arc through our bodies. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt. We both were thrown from each other and fell on the ground. My skin was burnt and my heart beating so fast I was out of breath. I felt like I was having a heart attack or something. I crawled over to Mr. Parker and he was already dead. I laid on the ground pretty much next to him and waited for the pain to subside a bit, and ended up falling asleep and that’s when the dream ended