Bleeding post miscarriage?

Allison 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🌈👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I took Cytotec July 5 for a blighted ovum. I previously have taken it for missed miscarriages in March and November 2017.

On the 5th, I bled but never passed much tissue. Took a second dose the night of the 6th and a third dose the morning of the 8th. No big tissue pieces. Previously I passed lots of tissue the first dose and never needed follow up doses.

Finally passed a big tissue piece Wednesday July 11. The bleeding tapered off to spotting on Friday. But, on Saturday the spotting went from pink to red. Now it’s back to full on bleeding. No cramps. Both previous experiences bleeding lasted 10 and 11 days. I’m now on day 14.

I have a follow up ultrasound tomorrow but I’m terrified I’m going to need surgery for retained tissue.

Has anyone still been bleeding at this point but not needed a D&c;? Does it seem likely that the bleeding is because not everything has passed?