I just need a break. 😓

If it’s seriously not one thing, it’s another. My mom was perfectly fine March 2018, but it seems the last 4 months, she has completely deteriorated before our eyes.

April 2018, my mother had barely any sodium in her body and had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks. May 2018, my mother had neck surgery. June 2018, my mother started to not be able to walk. Today, my mother had a biopsy done that showed indications she has lung and bone marrow cancer.

My daughter is due in less than 4 weeks. I want to cry, scream, break shit. My husband knows how hard it is on me because he lost his mother when he was 20; He knows how much it hurts knowing that our daughter may not ever know her grandmas. I’m completely out of my anxiety/depression medication and I can’t see my doctor until next month to get a refill. I had to stop work early today after finding out all this. 😓