India • 👼🏻👼🏻🌈👼🏻👼🏻

Okay so.... I told my work I'm pregnant at about 12 weeks because I had bad cases of morning sickness etc and they said that I would not lose my job and that they are pleased for me. However... that week I got 19 hours cut from my rota, leaving me with 5. The following week they only have me 3 hours, the week after that 2 hours. I got upset and told her that I'm concerned that it's because I'm pregnant... she said that it isn't and it's just because business is slow.

This week I was given 0 hours.

This has caused a lot of upset and stress... so I checked the rota and found out that no one else has been cut to this extreme, and that they have even hired new staff!

I emailed my boss again and said I'm extremely concerned, and pointed out the facts that no one else has been cut, they've hired more staff and that I feel discriminated against.

She has not replied(I sent it days ago) and has removed me from the online rota! I rang up today to ask what's going on and my assistant manager(kind of) just said "oh yeah, I think she wants to talk to you about that." And then told me to try calling tomorrow as she isn't there... she has made no attempt to contact me what so ever and left it up to me to figure out I had been removed!!!

Does this sound like it would fall into Maternity Discrimination Act(UK)?

I'm planning to head down to citizens advice tomorrow... 😔