Infertility journey


My husband and I have been TTC since getting married 5 years ago. Last year my OB GYN started bloodwork and determined I was not ovulating. All of my levels checked out and husband’s semenalysis looked good so it was deemed unexplained infertility. I took clomid and had timed intercourse for 3 cycles. We did not get pregnant on any of the cycles but the medicine did cause me to ovulate.

I started seeing a RE last summer. Prior to starting a protocol, I had lots of bloodwork, genetic testing, and a HSG procedure. The doctor prescribed Femara and I did trigger shots with timed intercourse. We did this for 2 cycles and didn’t get pregnant.

I consider myself a very healthy person. I eat well, don’t drink or smoke, and exercise regularly. I am almost 30 and already hear the clock ticking. I never thought I’d have trouble getting pregnant. I’m a teacher and I absolutely love kids. In fact, we ultimately want to have 3 or 4. Lately it’s been hard to imagine even having the first one.

This month I started

<a href="">IVF</a>

. Initial ultrasound showed that I have 29 pre-follicles. I had to take birth control for 10 days then started taking follistim on Sunday. It hasn’t been very painful. The only difference I feel so far is the bloating. Today is day 4 of my 12 scheduled days of meds. Next week I add ganirelix to my meds to keep my body from ovulating before the retrieval. I’ve heard stories of how painful that shot is, so I’m nervous about it. My retrieval should be next Friday or Saturday.

I’m not sure what to expect with the retrieval, genetic testing, and FET. I really hope this is it for us! It’s comforting to know that if we have multiple viable embryos, we can freeze them to use next pregnancy. My biggest fear is just that we won’t have any viable embryos. I’d love to hear stories of your journeys and advice from those who have been through the

<a href="">IVF</a>


7/20 update:

Today is day 6 of stims. I am feeling good, just bloated. I feel like I’ve gained a couple of pounds. I went in for bloodwork and ultrasound today. My estradiol was 16,000. I’m not sure what that number means but the nurse said it looks good. I started ganirelix tonight. I iced my stomach before but it’s pretty sore now. My husband said WTF the first time he tried to give me the shot because it didn’t puncture the skin. The doctor may drop my dosage of follistim depending on my next appointment. The good news is that the ultrasound showed 7 follicles above 1 cm in my left ovary and 6 in my right. There are others that may catch up before retrieval day. I will probably be doing my trigger shot on Tuesday (2 days sooner than originally planned) because I’ve responded so quickly. I am excited but also nervous because I’ve gotten my hopes up like this for every previous treatment we’ve done. Baby dust to everyone else trying to become a mommy!

7/22 update:

I had a bad headache yesterday after starting ganirelix but a better reaction this morning. Today was my day 8 appointment. The ultrasound showed 11 follicles in my right ovary and 9in my left which range from 1.4-1.6cm! That comes with a lot of bloating. They are going to lower my dosage of follistim because I’ve responded so quickly. Trigger will probably be Tuesday night and retrieval will probably be Thursday! I get to skip my appointment tomorrow (yay! Less bloodwork!) and go back on Tuesday for my pre-retrieval appointment and check. Baby dust to everyone!

7/26 update

I had my egg retrieval today. I have never had anesthesia before so I was a little worried about that. It all went pretty quickly. I’m feeling minor cramps and bleeding a little. Mostly just a little sleepy. The doctor said they got 21 eggs (out of the 26 they saw at my last appointment). The nurse will call tomorrow to let us know how many fertilized. I’m excited and anxiously awaiting the news.

8/10 update

I’m a teacher and have been back to work the past few weeks. I’ve been too busy to post. My day after ER results were that 14 fertilized. My day 5 results were that we had 6 blasts which had grown up to that point. They are frozen and we’re awaiting the pgs results. I will be getting that call on Tuesday. My biggest fear is that none will be normal. I start taking Lupron on the 20th. Then I’ll wait for my cycle for the doctor to schedule my transfer. It should be at the end of September. The hardest part of all of this is all of the waiting. Baby dust to everyone!