Buying a home and scared to death!


My husband and I are in the process of looking for a home. We’ve been married for a little over 2 years and we feel it’s time to “graduate” from an apartment to a house. I LOVE looking at homes and talking about getting a home, BUT I am scared to death to tell our realtor we want to put an offer on a home.

We found an amazing opportunity to purchase a brand new home in a rural area in our price point. We will be able to pick out everything for the home and go through the building process too. We won’t have to worry about major repairs because of all the warranties on EVERYTHING in the home. The downside is that the town is 30 minutes away from anything (i.e. fine dining, movie theaters, family, and where we work) and we’ve heard the public school is questionable (not our main concern at the moment, but possibly in the next few years).

My husband said we should tell our realtor that we want to take that offer, and all of a sudden I started to doubt if it’s the right decision. I know we are extremely lucky to be able to purchase a new home, but I’m worried that maybe we’ll regret it later...

Anyone else feel like that when they bought their home?