Mucous Plug?

I don't have a picture, it just happened and I'm tired as butts so I wasn't thinking! On Tuesday I was admitted into the hospital because my cervix was dilating, it got to like 2-2.5 cm dilated but I wanted to early labor at home, they guessed I'd be back within a few hours because of how consistent my contractions were! I was tired though so I fell asleep through the contractions and in the morning they had stopped! Anyways, I just went pee and I felt a gooey substance pass through my vagina, I look into the toilet and it's like a clot but it's brownish and when I wiped there was just a tad more of it and it was a mucous-y consistency. I'm curious if this is the mucous plug why is it coming out now when I've already began to dilate and also if mucous plugs are "supposed" to look a certain way?