I had a dream last night that I had hot, steamy sex with my brother.

I’m 30. My brother is 28. I’m in a committed, long term relationship with a man I want to spend my whole life with.

I don’t know why I had the dream and now I feel so gross.


Edit - oh my god. Thank you so much for explaining the possible reasons behind it. It makes so much sense now. My brother lived at home with my sister and I until he got married 2 and a half years ago. We were all very close and would stay up late talking in the hallway before we all went to bed. Since he got married we haven’t seen him as much as we like. It has been made worse by me moving an hour away 18 months ago.

He nearly died from a burst appendix 2 years ago and it nearly broke me. He messaged me and my sister yesterday saying that he misses us and wants to set up a regular games night or something so we can catch up more often. I didn’t know how I was going to face him but now I think I’ll be right. Thank you thank you thank you for interpreting my dream and easing my mind.