I am against vaccines and drugs

As of March 31, 2018, there have been more than 89,355 reports of measles vaccine reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following measles vaccinations made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including 445 related deaths, 6,196 hospitalizations, and 1,657 related disabilities. Over 60% of those adverse events occurred in children three years old and under.

I am extremely sceptic to vaccines and drugs, because of the gigantic sums that are made because people take it. I confess, I haven’t vaccinated my children and will probably never do. I don’t give them antibiotics or anything, not that they need it, because they are always extremely healthy and have very good immune systems.

My background is in neuroscience, and the things I have been taught and have read has given me the base of my decision.

Unfortunately, I am not allowed to tell people this as I am being shamed for my beliefs, while people at the same time fight for people to be able to express their religions or lifestyles world wide.

If people want to be Muslims, or eat vegan, give vaccines to their children or whatever is their business, I wish people let my business alone.

Edit: I don’t believe vaccines prevent disease. If vaccines protect against disease, why are people then scared that I will give their vaccinated children the disease? That is just a very illogical argument. I wish more people had the right to say their opinion without being attacked.

Here is some examples why vaccines are useless: https://www.livingwhole.org/vaccines-dont-work-here-are-the-facts/

People think that diseases have been eradicated by implementing vaccines, without at all considering other factors, like hygiene, et cetera.

For more information, read: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/18/history-vaccination.aspx

“Arguments are provided against typical vaccine justifications that diseases like smallpox and polio were eradicated by vaccination. Historical data reveals that smallpox was eradicated through efforts like isolation, improved nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation. Incidence of polio was dramatically “reduced” because the disease was redefined, and serological testing was introduced—not because of success of the vaccine”

I think people are putting their children and other children in danger by vaccinating them, and I just wished people went beyond listening to the multi-billion marketing from proponents of vaccines. If people only knew how doctors, general practice and researcher are being paid or paid for trips to tell others to vaccinate, take medications, et cetera.

I would never trust anyone that earns billions by making people buy their product...

Update: it is extremely irresponsible as a parent to not question what is given to their children. We should all sit down with medications or similar and make informed decisions. It might come as a shock, but one of the highest members in CDC later became highly positioned for pfizer with a fat salary. Here we talk about conflict of interest. Do some research into vaccines, and make informed decisions. Some vaccines might be better than others.