My husband cheats

My husband has cheated on me, he has the whole 24 yrs we have been together. I know from so many different things that I have found, seen & what I can feel in my gut. It’s like he stays & lies about it out of loyalty to our family & he just doesn’t want that cheating label as well. He makes out that I have problems & he loves me but I don’t feel loved at all with how I am really treated. It just breaks my heart & I do get upset by what he does to me (there is a little more to it then just cheating but I don’t want to get into it all). The thing is that I love him so much & he has been my life for longer then not. I just can’t let it go as he will not admit to doing it, i could deal with it if it was all out in the open & I didn’t have to always be looking behind me. It is driving me crazy as I’m the type of person that needs & tells the truth. I don’t understand that if he loves me as much as he says he does then why would he put me in such horrible situations & how can anyone stand seeing someone u love in so much pain & hurt. There is not a doubt in my mind that he has cheated. I really need help/support/advice. Thank you