Scared to go back to school

So at the end of the past school year, my mentally, emotionally, and sexually abusive (ex) boyfriend of 7 months broke up with me. I couldn’t take it anymore by keeping it to myself so I told my mom about what he did to me. She then contacted his mother just to inform her of what he had done, but not to tell her that we were pressing charges or anything along those lines. I then found out that someone started a rumor that I was planning to tell everyone that he raped me, which is completely not true. All I wanted was to be able to get away from him and I didn’t want it to get this bad. I have had anxiety with panic attacks since I was 7 or 8, so that heightens my anxiety and stress for the entire situation. I had seen my ex get angry before, and it is very scary. He even hit me one or two times, and called me his bitch and his hoe. I am terrified of going back to school because I am afraid that he is going to try to hurt me or just cause a lot of trouble for me. I am trying to change my schedule so that I don’t have any classes with him, but so far my school has said no. I am constantly paranoid that I’ll see him or his parents around town, and now I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. As the first day of school comes closer, I get more and more anxious and terrified of what it will be like. Can someone please help or give advice on how to prepare myself for school?