34 weeks 6 days they said baby girl weighs 5.8lbs.


doctor said my fluid went up 3 percent so I have to have it checked agian next Thursday. I have been having pelvic pressure and lower back pain c section is scheduled for 39 weeks but I feel she will be here before than. the hospital is over an hour away so I fear I will go into labor and have to have another emergency c section. the last one I had they messed my stomach all up because I went into labor at 38 weeks which was my scheduled c section my labor progressed real quick. so they had to do an emergency one. my doctor said the only way I will have her early is if I have anymore complications. I have gestational diabetes and pre eclampsia right now and he thinks I have polyhydramnios right now. I have been measuring big for weeks now. I feel huge. I am over weight bit I have been losing weight until recently. I am just curious if anyone else has had anything like this happen to them. he said her weight is good which is a plus. but I just feel I dont have much more time.