I have no idea whats going on and either do the doctors.


I Started spotting the other day, I went and saw a doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound and saw baby with a heartbeat in the uterus measuring 7 weeks 0 days. Last night I was cramping bad on the left side and woke up this morning with heavy bleeding and pain. Went to ER, they did a blood test , urine, and ultrasound . My HCG levels are rising so that’s good. The ultrasound showed baby with a stronger heartbeat than yesterday even. But It also showed a giant black sac to the left of baby. “Fluid filled sac” blood or fluid not sure. I’m bleeding heavy and have pain still. Like I’m on my period. Not sure what’s going on. Baby is alive and moving but they don’t know where the blood is coming from. They told me to go home and just see what happens . I asked about the bleeding and she said if it persists then that’s okay, but if I’m filling a pad an hour then “you know where to find us” that’s literally what the emergency room doctor told me. I’m flabbergasted . I don’t even understand what is going on. She said they don’t want to investigate any further and put any harm on the baby. Which yes I agree with . But also like what the heck is that other sac!? And why can’t you give me any answers. I hate this and every time I go to the toilet its just a terrible reminder that this isn’t going away. I’m at a loss. I’ve missed 2 days of work and am taking tomorrow off as well because I can’t stay out of bed for very long due to pain. Does anyone have similar experiences? Or any input on my situation? All thoughts and advice are appreciated ❤️