

Hello, is there anyone else that started clomid this month? Cycle days 5-9? I need help and encouragement. I’m 25 years old and I’ve never fallen pregnant. I don’t have any Pcos or other issues that I’m aware of my Doctor said I’m perfectly fine bc I show no symptoms and all my cultures always come back normal. Me & my fiancé have been together 3 years and we’re trying for a baby. The clomid 50mg has made me so very emotional to the point I left home and have been lying on my mothers couch to stop from being such a “b word” to my fiancé. Idk. I’m afraid and don’t know about doing another cycle bc of my mood swings with no support. No one knows I’m taking clomid. So they think I’m jut trippin. Lol. I want to be a mother so bad. I dream about it. Can someone just give me more insight on these meds bc right now I need encouragement.