Baby Boy Joy 💙

Nae • Married 💍 Mom of two 💙💗

So last Monday I went to my Midwife app and she did a membrane sweep so I left there at a 3-4 Dilation and 50% effaced after that didn’t have really much contractions but started to see that I was losing my mucus plug gradually so on Thursday night I had my bloody show and than on Friday morning I lost my mucus plug but no contractions. So I go lay down and I was thinking what I was about to eat and had a leak thinking it was nothing than a puddle lol so I stood up and water just gushed out so I stand there like 😳 did my water just break lol so I call my sister and ask her like should I call bc I still wasn’t contracting so I called they told me to go to L&D; so that they could check and make sure it really broke so I called my husband who was at work and he was like Really and I’m like yea I think so lol so we get there they check me in and tell me they are going to check and decide after if I will be admitted or if I could go home so they checked my water did break and I’m at a 4 Dilation and tell me they are going to checkand decide after if I will be admitted or if I could go home so they checked my water did break and I’m at a 4 Dilation so time line water broke at 12:18pm got admitted at around 4pm they started Pitocin around 8pm I labored on the ball for a little which did help ended up laboring to 7 cm and got the epidural around like 1am and got to a 10 around 3:20am and had baby at 3:48am they did have to take him out to the warmer bc his heartbeat was under 100 but as soon as they took him out he started crying more so he was good . I did have to get stitches but she said it wasn’t that bad I’ve been breastfeeding and he latched really good!

Brandon Jerome Latimer

5Lb 11oz

18.5 inches