Oh the dreaded hospital stay at 8 weeks


So yesterday my little one started having blood in her stool scary right? So we call her doctor make an appointment and go see them. She says well I think it’s just fissures and she’ll be fine but if you want you can go to nationwide children’s hospital. So I go back to my moms and she continued to have blood. Around 5 we went to the children’s er close to home and started the whole process. They though it was something super serious turns out that was just poop. Who knew poop showed up on an x-ray🤔 so now we’re waiting for her stool sample to come back and see if she has anything serious infection wise. Their big concern was her fever. So far everything has been okay and she’s just super tired from being up all night. Hoping her fever stays down and it was just some freak thing and we get to go home tonight!