Out of town for work

Heather • Married to my soul mate, stepmom to two teens, completing our family with this little nugget in my belly! EDD 5-31-19

I'm in shock. I completely thought we were out this month, I took a test last Saturday and had a BFN, after some crazy weird symptoms. AF still hasn't shown up, but with this being my first month off BCP, I knew that was possible. I took the first test this morning because I was planning on having a glass of wine tonight with dinner and wanted to be 100% confident in that decision. Well, no glass of wine here!

I just hope this baby is here to stay, I'm very nervous with how fast this happened. I did at least switch to a low dose BCP for the last 3 months in preparation of TTC. I don't know how many DPO I am, although I think I ovulated late. My withdrawal "AF" was June 13th. I'm trying to figure out now what to do since I cant go to my doctor for confirmation/next steps for 2 more weeks. I also don't see my husband for a few more days, I don't know how I can keep this from him!