Anyone else do Sneek Peek?????


I did the sneek peek at 9w1d. I’ve had an US, measuring a little ahead of my LMP so I know for a fact I was at least 9 weeks 1day when I did the sample. I have 2 boys and was completely elated to find out that ITS A GIRL!! but I’m trying to reserve my excitement until a sono, but I will be a little bummed if I go in for my 20 week and see boy parts. They say sneek peek is 99% accurate, and if they’re wrong, you get your money back. Most reviews say they’re right, and when they’re wrong, the majority was because of male contamination. My question is: has anyone else done sneek peek at 9 weeks and have it been right? I’m praying it was correct with me, this pregnancy has been so different than my last two. I was able to pick up FHT on my Doppler at 8 weeks and it was in the upper 170’s