Can't Get Pregnant: Needing Encouragement

Rose • vintage love ♡

Hello. I am new to this community and glad to be here. :) I am 40 years old and have been with my husband for 8 years. My husband has a son from a previous marriage who is 10 and we are currently in the process of fighting for full custody. It's a long story, but basically there are concerning and dangerous issues with my stepson's mother and abuse in her home. Needless to say, the drama has been relentless and highly stressful. My husband's vassectomy was reversed in October 2016 and we have been trying to conceive since December of that year. However, it was around that time that my stepson's mother ramped up the drama by hiding his location, kidnapping him and we were unable to see him for an entire year. We had a really horrible attorney and so our case dragged on. Due to the situation, my husband became severely depressed, lost his job, we lost our house and all our savings. We ended up having to move to another state and spent 8 months living with my in laws. We went weeks and months without having sex. My husband was hospitalized for depression numerous times. Thanks be to God that we have now since moved to a fantastic town where my husband got a great job that pays well. We are slowly getting our lives back and have been having more sex. Given that it has only been a month since things have improved (with a new lawyer in tow) I realize that I need to be patient. I can't help but think: after all this time WHY have I not gotten pregnant? Pretty much everyone/couple we know has had 1 or multiple children and we still cannot conceive. We have decided to finally go see a doctor but I just wonder if I'm too old or his reversal didn't take. Maybe it's the stress from the custody situation? I just got my period this morning and feeling upset yet again. I would love a few words of encouragement or any advice. It just hurts that what comes so easily and naturally to others is impossible for us. Thank you and God bless.