MS better - anyone else this way?!

Tracy • Mommy to Ellis Marie 2/9/19 💗

So I was sick more days than not in weeks 5/6 and part of 7. Super nauseated at the start of week 8 .. I’m 9 weeks today and I hope I’m not speaking too soon .. but this week I have felt pretty good. I actually cooked spaghetti last night and ate more than my husband.

Is this typical? I just know in my last pregnancy, which ended at 6.5 weeks, I couldn’t stomach the thought of meat.

I still don’t want chicken really, but I have eaten burgers and steak with this pregnancy.

Just wondering if it’s normal to feel good this soon. I know everything I read says in 2nd tri you’ll feel better. I’m worried because of my previous miscarriage. But, I like not being sick!

We saw the heartbeat at 7.5 weeks and baby measured normally. I so badly want this baby to be born! 💕

I do want to add that I haven’t had sore boobs at all so I can’t use that as a measure. I haven’t felt cramps this week either, which I had been almost everyday. I also lightly spotted for 2-3 days. It was very light pink, then brown.