Need Some Advice...

Leyana • 💍 Wife & Mother 👦🏽👼🏽 👶🏽👼🏽

I’m gonna try not to be all over the place lol

So for the past couple weeks I’ve been noticing changes in the way I look and feel. I’m gaining weight, feel super depressed been having bladder issues and my milk supply tanked literally over night. I’m not getting good sleep at all! My face is swollen and I just feel so gross & bloated & bleh. I took a pregnancy test last week and it came out period is due in 2 days and I seriously can’t seem to find the motivation to do anything. I have a splitting headache all day long and the littlest things make me want to burst into tears. I feel like I’m having an emotional and physical breakdown and I don’t know what to do or what’s causing it. I’ve had my period since I was 11 and every month my symptoms are different than the last but what I’m talking about does not feel period related if that makes sense. My husband treats me like gold and makes me so happy and my one year old son is the highlight of my life but I still just feel so horrible all day long. What is the issue???!?! I’m thinking of going to a walk in clinic or something but I currently don’t have insurance and we really can’t afford it at the moment. Has anyone gone through anything similar? I feel crazy.