Hardest week/birth story


July 15 my daughter turned a year old! Yay! But my dad and sister decided they didn’t need to be at her party because they “don’t like people” 🙄 we didn’t invite anyone but the grand parents and aunts. Anyway, we’re having a party for her with my in laws and we get a call. My husband’s grandmother is in a nursing home and she stopped responding. They took her to the hospital and she had a gurgling in her chest. We found out the next day that she was gonna be okay but it was scary. On July 16 my daughter had her 1 year check up and she was very healthy! I go to my dads afterwards and I had been having contractions since the night before (only 36 weeks exactly) so I called my doctor and they told me to take the 45 minute drive to the hospital. We drop baby girl off at my in laws and head to the hospital thinking this probably wasn’t it but better safe than sorry. We get there and we have the RUDEST triage nurse who kept acting like I was a drug addict and she just wanted me out of there. My cervix hadn’t changed so they gave me two shots to stop my contractions but they didn’t work. I then got admitted and my contractions didn’t hurt the whole time. I slept the whole night no problems. It’s now July 17 and still not feeling any pain. The doctor came in ready to send me home but he decided to check my cervix. I was at a 5 when just a few hours earlier I was only 3.5 so he broke my water around 8:15. At 11:30 my nurse came in to check on me and I asked her to change my pads because I just had a giant gush of water. She pulled the towel down and I was covered from my belly button to my knees in blood. She froze and stuttered “that’s not normal” she called the other nurses and the doctor. My worst fears have been realized in this moment when they said “emergency c section”

The doctor came in and checked my cervix one more time and I was about a 6.5 and when he pulled his hand out the biggest blood clot I’ve ever seen came out too. So big the doctor thought it could have been the baby. We all went into the OR and they did the spinal tap which freaking hurt! But there was a super sweet older nurse who let me squeeze her and hold her and cry while all of this was going on. I laid down on the table after I was numb and they put the curtain up and my husband came in. I was so out of it from the tap. All I remember is feeling them push on my belly to make baby come down and then yelling “BABY”. My husband and I just looked at each other and I cried the second my baby boy started crying. The seconds between when he was born and when he cried seemed like an eternity! But he was alright. The spinal tap made me so sick that I don’t really remember the rest of the day but I remember being in a ton of pain and throwing up like 7 times. My husband looked at me after we saw our baby for the first time and told me to name him. His name is Ayden Josiah. Fast forward to that night, he wasn’t really eating and he wouldn’t latch. The next morning the nurse came in and heard him grunting and decided to check his oxygen. He couldn’t breathe on his own. His lungs were sticking together every time he exhaled. He was moved to the NICU. He was put on a c pap machine and give IV fluids because they found that he had an infection as well. Sometime within the next couple of days (I don’t remember exactly all my days ran together) we found out he had jaundice. But he started breathing on his own! So the c pap was able to come off. Then today we found out my one year old is sick with a 101 temp. I couldnt be with her because I’m still in the hospital. But we found out she’s okay to come see me! :) also today they let me hold him, feed him, do skin to skin, etc. he may get to come home a day early and he’s eating from a bottle and we’re going to try breast feeding soon! He may also be moved to the nursery!!!! I just want to thank God for everything he’s doing! I know this journey isn’t over yet but so far everything seems to be looking up! God is so wonderful!

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading! :)

Here are some pics of my wonderful little family