Baby boy #2 is finally here!


Came into the hospital at 6 am for my scheduled c section at 8 am, this delivery was so much nicer then my first delivery, everything went smoothly (other then my usual vomiting and dizziness with surgery) I was much more alert and able to know what was happening this time, the doctors had to tell me to stop laughing with my husband or I would have an odd scar haha my sweet second little boy was born at 8:22 am with an adorable cry and very alert, he is 6lb 12oz and 18” tall and perfect to complete our little family of four, he is not to fussy and VERY alert (which my mom says is not very common for a c section baby as far as she is aware) we are both doing great and he is doing a pretty good job at breastfeeding ❤️

Last baby bump pictures before heading to the hospital 😁😁

Mister Grant Joshua Wood!