Kitty pregnancy


although this is an app for pregnancy for humans.. I just want to express how happy and proud I am of my babygirl luna! congrats on being a first time mommy💕😻

Born today 7/20/18! 💕 all pregnancy is beautiful wether it’s human or animal. Women are strong 🙏🏼. and before ppl bash me for not spaying my kitty.. I was on a waiting list to spay her, They sheduled me a month later 😅 and she somehow got out when she was in heat 😢. Anyways I hope this made your day for any cat moms out there 💙. We did loose one kitten he was born still born, but other than that luna is doing great! 😻. Oh and all are male! the only kitten that’s female is the light color one which we don’t know why she’s the only one that color 😂💓. ( excuse the placenta in the picture) She will be spayed after her kittens are weaned 🙏🏼😅.