I feel like my whole world keeps flipping upside down by the hour today

Katherine • HEY!!! Well! I'm 22, married to the worlds best husband, have almost a perfect picture life, and couldn't ask for anything more then what God's given me 💖

the morning started out great, I woke up with hubby got him off to work couple hours later it starts and it just goes down hill from their, first it starts by my husband cancelling plans we had Wednesday with a few people we know, then it goes to worse where we close our marriage completely, then it goes to he wants to get fixed and he doesn't want to try for a baby for us anymore (which I've told him I've always wanted to have a baby for us) and also he told me that the girl he was going to see (who I know about because of the open marriage) was going to be our serigant mother and they were going to surprise me after she was pregnant (which is actually really sweet) the reason we needed a serigant mother or father is because we don't know which 1 of us is unable to produce either the spirm or the egg, and now we're not even talking except through text, I'm going on crying spell number 4 rn and my heart is killing me :'(.. mind u my husband and I have been married for 2.5 years and I'm 22 and he's 39. Help, or just prayers please..