older guy


so me and this guy started talking in the middle of the school year and he was a senior at the time and I was a freshman at the time. So like 2 months left in school and we start to text all the time like I tell him everything, and so at that time I was not familiar with masterbation..... so at lunch one day we went off campus and out to this field and somehow the topic of me being inexperienced came up. so this guy comes up to me and starts making out with me and like I am not complaining but he starts touching me and literally showed me how to get off. so like later after he graduated and summer started like 2 weeks later we had sex for the first time (It was my first time not his) and like I like him but am I taking it to fast because we aren't even going out.... and he turns 18 soon so like what happens then? I need some advice