So frustrated, am I just over reacting?


I am now 31 weeks, and at 28 weeks was diagnosed as a gestational diabetic. I was able to control my blood sugars for the first week and a half, but suddenly all of my numbers are high 1hr after meals 150-217. Plus all of my fasting numbers are high, even though I have done the high protein bedtime snack. I have been eating the least amount of carbs per meal, breakfast 1 carb and lunch and dinner 3 carbs. I was trying to eat only 1 for lunch and dinner to keep the sugars down, but my dietician said not to do that. Now they are starting me on insulin, ughhhhh, but cannot get me into the endocrinologist until the first of august!! So now I am just constantly running high blood sugars, and they are trending up. The last four days I have not had an in target blood sugar. Is this okay to just run high for the next week and a half? I have called and they say we will see how my numbers are on Monday. I feel like they aren't helping me, but maybe it's not a big deal? I don't know.. are my feelings valid?