would you call the pediatrician for this?


my baby girl is only 15 days old. she was born at 4 pounds and 4 ounces. we left the hospital at 4 pounds 1 ounce. for the last 6 days I have been nursing CONSTANTLY! like seriously tho...she will nurse for 30-45 mins and then not even 10 minutes after she unlatches she's is crying and rooting on her hands and clothes. she won't take the binky anymore. I am exhausted!! I'm also only getting about a half an ounce now when pumping after feeds when I was getting a solid 2-4 ounces after every feed for about a week. I'm afraid I'm drying up and my milk has no substance because she is literally eating twice an hour. Also baby girl has only gained 3 ounces in two weeks!! please help!!!!!!!

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