Advice with how to deal with my boo...


Ok so my boyfriend he’s younger than me by a year but in high school him and I were in the same grade.... we’ve been together for so long and we’ve bent over backwards to keep the other happy! I’d say we really do love each other but sometimes it’s so difficult for us considering we are complete opposites.... well the struggle with us is I’m controlling and I’m kind of like a mom figure.... I take care of my friends and him and make sure everyone around me is happy before I am blah blah blah.... but because of the fact I’m a mom figure it kinda means I set rules for people... I know I shouldn’t but with my boyfriend considering the fact he never had any rules except have safe sex if you have sex, that’s it.... so I kinda set some rules and I am very flexible with them; however, he’s a huge gamer like all day everyday games and he tends to put games before me.... when I hang out with him I tell him he can’t go on games and he doesn’t but right when I leave he goes on games and kinda neglects me. Also, he stays up late constantly and it isn’t good for his mental health; I say this because he becomes very aggressive from withdrawal of the video games and lashes out on me since I’m the only person he really talks to. I’m not saying it’s right or I’m perfect because I know my wrongs.... but him playing these games causes so many fights so I restrict him to playing during the hours of well 12pm-12am and he said he would if it would make me feel better but he then goes and stays up till 3-6am playing these games... he’s so immature about it too because I talk and he becomes aggravated and then yells and I start yelling at him and blah blah blah... I don’t really know what to do because it’s definitely big problem in our relationship and I don’t know how to approach it anymore because I’ve talked to him about the idea of limiting himself and I told him my thoughts and how I disliked how he would do that... then I would physically restrict him... I treat him like he’s my child and I know it’s wrong but he acts like such a five year old and I become the adult person and if he doesn’t do something I literally say no Xbox if he would lash out and call me these names (not saying I’m the best but this is just my side of the story) so what do I do