Is it normal/common? Just curious

Is it normal or common for the mommy to get up with the baby more then the daddy? Our daughter is 2 weeks old and since she came home from the hospital I’ve been the one who gets up with her every time she wakes up. I change every diaper and I feed her every single time. Her dad lives with us, we are together and a couple/family.

For the last week I haven’t been exclusively breast feeding and she’s been on bottles and now she’s on formula. He’s changed 1 diaper and never fed her. It’s starting to bother me that I’m the only one who’s up and down with her all hours of the night and day. I was a single mother with my 1st child and she’s my 2nd and it’s starting to feel like the same situation the 1st go around except it hurts more because he’s here . And no, he hasn’t been working. He’s been on a lay off for the last month.. I’m just wondering if this is a conman thing with men or if I’m just dealing with a man who doesn’t like helping. 😞